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Writing, Reviewing and Submitting the Form 1080.

Writer's picture: Posted by: EPSD StaffPosted by: EPSD Staff

By: Jim Steelman, Phoenix EPSD

The State Department of Agriculture continues to monitor 1080s. We want this practice to be easy for growers, PCA's, applicators and sellers which use pesticides listed on the ground water protections list.

There are 98 pesticides listed on the ground water protection list.

When an application is made using pesticides noted on the ground water Protection list you must submit a Form 1080.The State receives over 30,000 1080s each year. Roughly 3% to 5% have errors. The PGP or PSP is missing, the Section, Township, & Range (STR) is not correct and we receive and error message and we cannot submit the 1080. Many times the bottom portion is missing. The equipment number is missing the time and dates of application are missing. Could be missing the company name PCA or CA # and/or the grower/applicators signature and PUP or PUG numbers missing. Many times when submitting a 1080 and it has multiple pages make sure we receive all pages. I review the incorrect 1080s and often we are missing one of two pages.

Remember when filling out the 1080s we have one for agriculture the Form 1080 and one for golf courses Form 1080G.

When submitting a From 1080 or 1080G we prefer to have them submitted online. We prefer you email them to You may also fax them to 602-542-0466. Finally, you can mail them to AZDA, Attention: Licensing 1688 W Adams Street Phoenix AZ 85007.

Again, please make sure you complete all the sections of the Form 1080 or Form 1080G, applicable to your operation and double and triple check before submitting.

Remember: Write the 1080, review the 1080 and then submit the 1080.

Should you have any questions please feel free to give us a call at 602-541-0901.

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